Look, I baked my own bread!

I have tried to bake bread at home several times before, but sometimes the yeast wouldn’t rise, sometimes it would turn out to be a brick and sometimes it would taste like straw. In effect, epic fail, every single time. Until, that wonderful day when I chanced upon Alexandra’s Kitchen, and landed on her mother’s recipe for the perfect peasant bread. And if she claims that this is the best & easiest recipe, then just believe her, ’cause it just is! How she gets the ideal water temperature for the yeast to activate is the coolest tip ever, I tell you it always works. She uses 3 parts cold water to 1 part boiling water (right off the water kettle, for instance), and then equal parts of sugar & dry yeast. No more dormant yeast in my kitchen, hah! Plus it’s no-knead bread, so much better than one that requires muscle power, right? I’ve tried a few variations of the original, it’s turned out super delicious each time. As my colleague said, I’m now ready to be a grand-mom 😀 Here’s me showing off my newly acquired grand-mom skills 😎

My first attempt was to follow the recipe word by word. I really surprised myself with the result. I guess I didn’t have any expectations at all, heh heh.

Next time, I tried to mix the all purpose flour with wholewheat flour in the ratio 3:1, and added some dill. I also baked it in small cupcake moulds, and ramekins just to see how that went. The dill smelt & tasted so good, and these were great for breakfast.

The third time I tried to up the health quotient a bit more by changing the flour ratio to 5:3, the bread was slightly denser, but still quite fluffy. I think I’ll keep this as my standard, any more of the wholewheat will probably not be as yummy. I also put in some chopped up olives and sun dried tomatoes, which made by bread oh-so-fancy!

Do you have a perfect go-to recipe that you swear by? I’d love to know!

4 thoughts on “Look, I baked my own bread!

  1. Här är mitt “misslyckas aldrig” recept. Jag bakar mycket matbröd men det här är bäst. Lätt att göra, lite disk och inte behöva jobba med degen.


    50 gr jäst
    50 gr smält smör
    4 msk socker
    5 dl ljummen mjölk
    1-2 tsk salt
    10 dl vetemjöl special

    Gör så här

    Smula jästen, häll i smält smör och ljummen mjölk, rör om, blanda i resten och ja, det ska vara kladdigt.
    Ta hjälp av två skedar och klicka ut cirka 12 st på plåtar som du har bakplåtspapper på. Blöt händerna och platta till dom, man måste blöta händerna mellan varje tekaka.
    Låt jäsa på plåt 1 timme, grädda i 225 grader cirka 8 min, låt kallna på plåt.

    Liked by 1 person

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